Rod Schubert

Mortgage & Insurance Adviser (Company Director)
Rod Schubert, Director at RSFA.

My passion has always been numbers, in general. Unsurprisingly, I’ve ended up in financial services – now tipping over two decades working within the main bank and now owing and offering advice within the RSFA Advisory framework.

My background is in finance. I’ve worked for two major banks (BNZ and Kiwibank) and have been operating my advisory since 2016. On a personal note, I have owned and sold several properties, been involved in major renovations, and have learned a great deal about property by being involved in it; let alone seeing simple to extremely complex finance scenarios landing on my desk daily. I enjoy a good challenge!

Don’t you hate not getting the service you desire?

What is service? It can mean different things to different people. What I guarantee is I’m a determined individual and passionate about helping my client and aiming to exceed expectations. It seems simple, but it can get quite complex, especially dealing with too many people and sometimes saying different things.

I try to take away some of that pain and provide advice once I understand your needs; it sounds a little cliché, but that’s a big part of it. I’m essentially your advocate, and I work for you. I aim to add value wherever I can and right from the outset with my clients through straightforward, transparent advice. I like to use the analogy with my clients to benchmark advice as if I was offering advice to a family member.

My favourite part of being in finance the satisfaction of knowing our clients are in a better position than when they first approached us.

When a new or existing client reaches out to us, whether under financial duress or simply wanting enhanced finance solutions, our team digs deep, all hands on deck to deliver the desired outcome. At RSFA, we are proud of our dedication to our clients and our sheer will and determination to ensure they get the best results.

Rod's latest articles

Navigating Home Loan Fixing (“Refixing”)

Managing Your Home Lending Obligations During Parental Leave

Should I Choose Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly Loan Payments?