National’s Proposed Plan to Tax Foreign Home Buyers for Purchasing Homes in New Zealand Over Two Million Dollars: Benefits & Risks

In recent years, New Zealand has seen a surge in foreign investment in its real estate market. To address this issue, the National Party has unveiled a new plan to tax foreign home buyers who purchase properties in New Zealand worth over two million dollars. This proposed tax aims to strike a balance between attracting foreign investment and ensuring that local residents have access to affordable housing.

In this article, we will explore the benefits and risks associated with National’s plan and its potential impact on the New Zealand housing market.

The Background of the Proposed Plan

Over the past decade, the New Zealand housing market has experienced skyrocketing prices, making it increasingly difficult for local residents to enter the property market. Foreign buyers, particularly wealthy investors, have been blamed for driving up prices and exacerbating the housing crisis. In response to these concerns, the government implemented a ban on foreign buyers in 2018, which restricted non-residents from purchasing existing residential properties.

However, the National Party, under the leadership of Christopher Luxon, has proposed a new plan that would allow foreign home buyers to purchase properties in New Zealand valued at two million dollars or more. Under this plan, foreign buyers would be subject to a 15% tax on their purchases. The party argues that this tax would generate significant revenue for the government while still attracting foreign investment.

The Benefits of National’s Plan

1. Increased Revenue

One of the primary benefits of National’s plan is the potential for increased tax revenue. The party estimates that the proposed tax would generate around $740 million per year. This additional revenue could be used to fund various government initiatives, including infrastructure development, healthcare, and education.

2. Stimulating the Economy

By allowing foreign buyers to purchase high-value properties, National’s plan aims to stimulate the New Zealand economy. Foreign investors often bring additional capital into the country, which can be invested in local businesses and create job opportunities. This injection of foreign funds can help boost economic growth and contribute to the overall prosperity of the nation.

3. Balancing Foreign Investment and Housing Affordability

National’s plan seeks to strike a balance between attracting foreign investment and ensuring housing affordability for local residents. By implementing a tax on high-value property purchases, the party aims to discourage speculative buying by foreign investors and prevent further inflation of housing prices. This measure could potentially make housing more accessible to New Zealanders, particularly first-time homebuyers.

4. Retaining Ownership of the Land

Another advantage of National’s plan is that it allows New Zealand to retain ownership of the land. While foreign buyers may acquire properties, the tax imposed on their purchases ensures that a portion of the property’s value remains in the country. This mitigates concerns about foreign ownership of New Zealand’s land and helps preserve national sovereignty.

The Risks of National’s Plan

1. Potential Revenue Overestimation

One of the main risks associated with National’s plan is the potential overestimation of tax revenue. Critics argue that the party’s projected revenue of $740 million per year may not be achievable. The number of high-value property purchases by foreign buyers is uncertain, and the estimated tax rate may not accurately reflect the actual amount of tax collected. The government must carefully assess the feasibility of these revenue projections to avoid budgetary shortfalls.

2. Impact on the Property Market

The implementation of a tax on high-value property purchases by foreign buyers could have unintended consequences for the New Zealand property market. Some experts argue that the tax may deter foreign investment altogether, leading to a reduction in demand for high-value properties. This decrease in demand could potentially lower property prices and impact property developers and investors who rely on foreign buyers.

3. Potential Countermeasures by Foreign Buyers

Foreign buyers may seek alternative ways to circumvent the tax imposed by National’s plan. For example, they may choose to purchase properties under the names of New Zealand residents or establish local companies to acquire properties. These countermeasures could undermine the effectiveness of the tax and limit the desired impact on the housing market.

4. Impact on Economic Growth

While National’s plan aims to stimulate the economy through foreign investment, there is a risk that the tax on high-value property purchases may deter investors. If foreign buyers perceive the tax as too burdensome or view the New Zealand housing market as unattractive, they may choose to invest their capital elsewhere. This could result in a potential loss of foreign investment and hinder economic growth in the country.


National’s proposed plan to tax foreign home buyers for purchasing homes in New Zealand over two million dollars presents both benefits and risks. The potential increase in tax revenue and stimulation of the economy are significant advantages, as they can fund essential government initiatives and contribute to overall prosperity. However, the risks associated with potential revenue overestimation, impact on the property market, countermeasures by foreign buyers, and potential effects on economic growth must be carefully considered.

It is crucial for policymakers to strike a delicate balance between attracting foreign investment and ensuring housing affordability for local residents when implementing such tax measures.

The opinions expressed in this article should not be taken as financial advice or a recommendation for any financial product. Rod Schubert Financial Advice (RSFA) shall not be liable or responsible for any information, omissions, or errors present. Any commentary provided are the personal views of the author and are not necessarily representative of the views and opinions of Rod Schubert Financial Advice. We recommend seeking professional legal and/or lending advice before taking any action.

Rod Schubert

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