
Welcome to our Media Section, where RSFA highlights valuable financial advice through articles and resources. Explore our resource centre to find expert tips and insights designed to help you improve your financial situation and achieve your goals.

A guide on home loan fixing or refixing.

Navigating Home Loan Fixing (“Refixing”)

Welcome homeowners and those looking for lending for their prospective new home. Today, we will delve into an essential topic for homeowners and those considering...
Managing a home loan on parental leave.

Managing Your Home Lending Obligations During Parental Leave

Today, we explore a crucial financial topic that affects many growing families – securing your mortgage during parental leave. With the arrival of a new...
Best option, weekly, fortnightly or monthly loan repayments.

Should I Choose Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly Loan Payments?

Choosing the right frequency for your loan repayments is a decision many property owners contemplate. With the abundance of advice available, it can be challenging...
Understanding insurance inclusions and loadings.

Unravelling Insurance: Your Guide to Exclusions and Loadings – Navigating the Maze of Coverage and Costs

Exclusions Exclusions and loadings are two important concepts anyone seeking insurance coverage must understand. Exclusions are specific circumstances or events that are not covered by...
What Is An Offset Mortgage.

What Is an Offset Mortgage: A Guide to Saving on Your Home Loan

Are you looking for a way to reduce the amount of interest you pay on your mortgage and potentially pay off your home loan faster?...
Partnering With a Financial Adviser Is Key in Insurance Planning.

The Power of Expertise: Why Partnering With a Financial Adviser Is Key in Insurance Planning

Many individuals have misconceptions about buying insurance directly from insurance companies. There is a common belief that cutting out the middleman and purchasing insurance directly...
Taxing foreign home buyers in New Zealand.

National’s Proposed Plan to Tax Foreign Home Buyers for Purchasing Homes in New Zealand Over Two Million Dollars: Benefits & Risks

In recent years, New Zealand has seen a surge in foreign investment in its real estate market. To address this issue, the National Party has...
Impact of smoking on insurance premiums.

The Benefits of Quitting Smoking: How It Can Lower Your Insurance Premium

In recent years, the detrimental effects of smoking have been widely recognised, prompting many individuals to quit this harmful habit. Apart from the obvious health...
Finding a medically savvy advisory.

Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Why a Medically Savvy Advisory Makes All the Difference in Claims

In the complex world of insurance, having someone by your side who understands the ins and outs of medical conditions can be a game changer,...
Is it worth getting a flatmate to help with mortgage repayment.

Maximising Your Mortgage: Is Getting a Flatmate Worth It?

In today’s increasingly competitive housing market, many homeowners are looking for creative ways to alleviate the burden of their mortgage payments. One popular strategy is...
Economic Recessions And Their Impact On Mortgage Lending And The Real Estate Market In New Zealand.

Navigating the Storm: Understanding Economic Recessions and Their Impact on Mortgage Lending and the Real Estate Market in New Zealand

As a financial adviser, it’s crucial to stay informed about the state of the economy to guide our clients effectively. In this article, we will...
Effectively managing your mortgage.

Mastering Your Mortgage: Unlocking Strategies for Effective Management

Managing a mortgage effectively is crucial for financial stability and long-term wealth building. By reviewing your mortgage regularly, exploring options such as topping up your...